I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. When I was little, my mum and my granddad would read to me all the time and when I’d learned how to read, my mum took me to the library every other week for a new bunch of books. By the time I’d reached the age of 11 or 12, I was reading Stephen King and Dean Koontz and telling the library lady that: yes, my mum knew what I was reading, and no, she couldn’t care less, so long as I was reading and having fun!
A few years ago, I started using Goodreads to keep track of what I’d read and still wanted to read. At first, I only rated the books I’d read by awarding them stars, I didn’t write any reviews. Then I started tweeting about books and I “met” so many lovely people who are just as passionate about books as I am. I found out reading doesn’t have to be a solitary affair, there’s a whole community of like-minded people! I started following bloggers, authors and publishers, and my admiration only grew. Eventually, I did begin to review books on Goodreads, because I started to realise the flaws of a star-only rating, and because I had more to say than I could in tweets.
And now, well here we are, probably the most logical next step: a little blog of my own, a place for me to share my love for reading and to gush over the fab books I’ve read.
Throughout the years my tastes have evolved and expanded, I’ve tried many genres, from horror to chick lit, from vampires and werewolves to cosy mysteries, from YA to action. I still enjoy YA, horror, fantasy and light sci-fi, but I mostly read psychological thrillers now. There are just so many great authors in that genre! I do like to read outside my comfort zone once in a while, and discover new books, authors and subgenres.
My reviews
I review from the heart. I don’t analyse every single sentence, I just write down the thoughts and feelings the book’s left me with. My reviews will be never be epic stories, but I hope you’ll find what you need to know in them.
I usually finish what I start, I don’t have a DNF shelf. If I hate what I’m reading thirty or so pages in, I’ll stop, but once passed that point, I persevere. Sometimes I’ll take a little break and read something else and come back to it later, or I might skim some parts, but once I’ve invested my time, there’s no turning back. Fortunately, I know myself well and it doesn’t happen often that I end up disliking the book I’m reading.
My rating
highly recommended, this book blew me away, I loved it so much I wouldn’t want to change anything about it,
or I’ll happily forgive any flaws
recommended, I loved this book
I liked this book, but I didn’t love it, it was just an okay read for me
I didn’t like this book, it wasn’t for me and I was happy to reach the final page
I hate that I hated this book

If you want to talk books, comment on my posts, come find me on Twitter or e-mail me.
If you’re an author or publisher and you’d like me to feature your book, please contact me here. I prefer paperbacks for reviewing purposes, but I accept e-books as well.
Please note that I mostly read psychological thrillers, but I also enjoy YA, horror, fantasy and light sci-fi. I do like to read outside my comfort zone once in a while, and discover new books, authors and subgenres. I share my reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and Twitter as well.